About Florencio

Florencio Anton is a painting and drawing medium from the Brazilian city of Salvador, whose art transcends the physical, connecting with the spiritual plane. Since 1990, Florencio has created more than 30,000 works on behalf of 110 spirit artists, including renowned painters such as Da Vinci, Monet, Picasso, RembrandtRenoir, and Van Gogh. His creative process is unique: Florencio often paints with his eyes closed, completing each work in 3 to 20 minutes, depending on its size and complexity.

When he was only 8 years old, Florencio could see and hear spirits, and these experiences were explained to him when he was 11. At the age of 17, his spiritual mentors led him in an experiment carried out in total darkness, which culminated in the creation of more than ten images that marked the beginning of his artistic mediumship.

The spirits of deceased artists began to communicate with Florencio, transmitting their works through him. He was told that his mission was to prove the immortality of the soul, and to use art to support social work in Brazil, especially among the underprivileged. After rigorous tests, Florencio’s work was validated, and his works were shown publicly. The mediumistic painting demonstrations often bring comfort to those present, with the faces of deceased family members often depicted in the paintings and drawings.

By 2008, Florencio had produced more than 22,000 works of art from 74 different spirit artists. During a session in Denmark, Danish artist Carl Locher painted through Florencio for the first time: Over the years, Florencio has also been a channel for artists such as GiottoMatisse, Monet, and Tarsila do Amaral, creating complete paintings in a matter of minutes.

His art has been exhibited in more than 105 cities throughout Brazil, Denmark, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The proceeds from the sale of these paintings go entirely to support his institution, Grupo Espírita Scheilla (the Scheilla Spiritist Group), which he founded in 1999 in the neighbourhood of Mussurunga, in Salvador. Through this organisation, Florencio provides educational and psychological support to underprivileged children and families, and distributes monthly meals to around 30 families.

Florencio supports himself solely through his work as a teacher and university lecturer, psychologist and regression therapist, because, as a spiritualist, the money he earns from the sale of his mediumistic paintings and drawings goes exclusively to charity. His life and work remain to be an example of dedication to spirituality and the common good.

In 2018, Florencio participated in a study of brain activity during a mediumistic trance, which took place at the Faculty of Medicine in Coimbra, Portugal. During the experiment, it was observed that the electrical activity of Florencio’s brain dropped to almost zero while the manifesting spirit painter produced their artwork and spoke in a language that Florencio himself did not speak.

This is further evidence that it is the painters themselves from the afterlife who have come to prove that death doesn’t exist. It’s God’s love guiding people towards a belief in immortality.