How to Support Comunidade Maria de Nazaré and Grupo Espírita Scheilla
All work completed by Comunidade Maria de Nazaré and Grupo Espírita Scheilla is only possibly due to the donations received directly, as well as through the auction of paintings produced by Florencio Anton during mediumistic painting demonstrations.
Your support makes a difference, and all contributions, no matter the amount, are highly appreciated.
Here are the details of how you can help support this charitable work:
Attend a Painting Demonstration
During the mediumistic painting demonstrations, Florencio Anton produces multiple works of art through the direction of spirit painters. The pieces may be oil on canvas, pastel on paper, and Florencio may paint these works by hand, with or without the use of brushes, or even by using his feet.
At the end of all painting events, the artwork produced is auctioned, and 100% of the bids are provided as a donation toward Grupo Espírita Scheilla and Comunidade Maria de Nazaré.
For events in the UK, the starting bids are £120 for oil paintings, and £60 for pastel works. Payments are to be made by card at the event, or via a secure link if being bided on remotely.
Donations – Outside Brazil
The High Five campaign was established in 2020 by Kardec Group, a British Spiritist charity organisation, as a way to help support worthwhile non-profit organisations, including Grupo Espírita Scheilla, who were reliant on donations from others during the Covid pandemic.
With thanks for all the support given during those difficult times, Kardec Group continued with the High Five campaign which, at present, only supports Grupo Espírita Scheilla.
100% of these donations are transferred to Grupo Espírita Scheilla at regular intervals throughout the year via electronic transfer, and Kardec Group coves all related administrative fees.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please considering ticking the Gift Aid option. This will allow Kardec Group to obtain a 25% boost on all valid donations (at no extra cost to those who donated), which will also be passed on to Grupo Espírita Scheilla.
For more information about Kardec Group and the High Five campaign, visit:
Donations – Inside Brazil
For those who have a Brazilian bank account, or who wish to send a direct donation, please use the following details:
- Account: Grupo Espírita Scheilla
- Bank: Caixa Econômica Federal
- Branch (Agência): 4586
- Account (Conta-Corrente): 0367-3
- Payment Type (Ordem de Pagamento): 003
- CNPJ: 07.779.864/0001-00
- Pix: 07.779.864/0001-00
- IBAN: BR93 0036 0305 0458 6000 0003 673C 1
- Bank address: Av Santos Dumont Km 2 Shopping Feria Lj, Lauro de Freitas
- Beneficiary telephone: +55 71 3035-4708